Account Membership
The Account Membership
resource represents the relationship between an account and an account member. This relationship is many to many. Each account can have multiple account members, and each account member can be a member of multiple accounts.
📄️ Create an Account Membership
📄️ Get all Account Memberships
You can also use `include=account_member` to retrieve details about the account members associated with the account memberships.
📄️ Get a List of Account Memberships of Account Member
You can also use `include=account` to retrieve details about the accounts associated with the account memberships. You can use pagination with this resource. For more information, see [pagination](/guides/Getting-Started/pagination).
📄️ Get a List of Unassigned Account Members
Use this resource to get a list of all account members that are not assigned to an account.
📄️ Get an Account Membership
Get an account membership from an account in your store
📄️ Update an Account Membership
You can update and extend an account member details using [core flows](/docs/api/flows/flows#extend-an-existing-resource). However, you cannot update the `account_member_id` of an account member.
📄️ Delete an Account Membership
Delete a membership from an account